• You Pay Less

    Save 20-40% on every order monthly

  • No Strings Attached

    Cancel, skip or modify easily anytime

  • VIP Concierge

    Manage orders via online, text, email or chat

  • Exclusive Perks

    Early access to new flavors & VIP rewards

  • Pick Your Flavors& Quantities

    The more you order,
    the more you save!

  • Easy to Manage Your Subscription

    Manage online yourself, or
    email, text or chat us.

  • 3 Day NoticeEach Month

    We’ll text and email
    before each month's order.

  • Cancel or Modify Anytime

    Cancel or skip a month
    with just a click, text or email.

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  • Qty: 12-Packs - 10% OFF (Monthly)

    Normal Price - $33.99

    10% Off if you choose monthly plan

  • Qty: 12-Packs - 15% OFF (Biweekly)

    Normal Price - $33.99

    15% Off if you choose monthly plan

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Have More Questions?

Should I subscribe if I’ve never tried FireBird Shots before?

It’s up to you, but we offer a money-back guarantee on your first 12-Pack and when you subscribe you’ll also save 10% off.

How do I modify, skip, or cancel my subscription at anytime? 

You may modify, skip a month, or cancel your subscription at anytime by logging into your account, where you can easily self-manage your subscription.

How will I receive my exclusive subscriber perks?

We’ll send subscriber only discounts, early access to flavors, and more to you, via email and text! Pro tip: the longer you’re with us, the greater the rewards!

Can I buy Proper Wild without a subscription?

Yes, however we highly recommend you subscribe to FireBird because subscribing will save you a bunch of money. Remember you can modify, skip a month or cancel your subscription at anytime. If you’d prefer to try Proper Wild before subscribing we have one-off purchases available.